Project Description
The new logistics is a program designed by UPS that targets C level executives and other decision makers from small and midsize companies to help them run their business more efficiently. The program covers the spectrum of marketing from email, to events, to branding displayed on the side of the trucks, to the website all driving to user engagement and lead generation.
Their existing site was built using a technology that didn’t allow for easy editing and addition of new content. The navigation structure was too advanced for its intended audience. The overall site experience didn’t allow for exploration of the rich content resulting in abandonment.
As primarily responsible for the website integration into their new marketing campaign, I worked with my team of usability engineer, IA and designer to craft an experience that is inline with their other efforts, boosted engagement and increased lead generation efforts.
We started by taking the pulse of our audience by testing a working prototype of designs, we combined the data received with other existing data supplied by the client to refine the experience and develop the site.
We focused our efforts in providing our busy audience with a platform in which to learn more about services and associated products available but always providing a one click from live communication and lead submission. The site is structured along business activities and a user can choose quickly which area is of interest. Navigation is simple and elements are reiterated from screen to screen, and available at all times.